15 August 2007

more fringe coverage!

The third of my four Fringe reviews is up:

offoffonline: review of Princess Sunshine's Bitter Pill of Truth Funhouse

The show was fun, though it's at the scary Independent Theater. Nothing like starting off your theatergoing evening by walking down an alleyway and climbing up rickety metal stairs that resemble a repurposed fire escape ...

My last review is awaiting edits, and should be up later today.

In other writing news, I attended a Media Bistro class on Managing Motherhood and a Writing Career, which was fantastic! Now I am filled with motivation to start churning out salable literature like a modern-day Charles Dickens. Except, you know, without the hit-you-over-the-head coincidences, cutesy names and anti-semitic characterizations. Mostly I'm talking about prolific output.

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