Look at this face. Look at the expression and the emotion behind it. Can you blame me for getting little else done besides getting dressed, taking care of her and cooking the occasional meal?
If she is as good with words as she is with looks - and I'm sure she will be, if the "I will be heard!" tone of her babbling coos is any indication - well, we'll have another performer in the family.
Imagine that: A dancer/actress/choral singer/improviser/opera singer/sketch comedienne mom and a stand-up comedian/improviser/sketch comedian dad produces an entertainer. Not to be crass, but it's the best way to put it ... This baby shits showbiz.
BTW, for any theater folk reading this, it looks like I'm turning my back on arts journalism - if not for good, at least for a good while. Television's in my blood, always has been. My DDJ ("dream day job") right now is to be on staff for "30 Rock", commuting to Silvercup with the kid in tow, bringing the wackiness as Audrey lives it up in the on-site daycare I'm fantasizing is there to take care of Tina Fey's kid. A few episodes under my belt and we could buy the Tudor-style, 4-bedroom, 2 or 3 bath Forest Hills (or maybe even FH Gardens) house and a hybrid car that would complete the suburbanification process.
It's crazy what a little motherhood will do...
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