14 September 2007

Today's Yahoo! Search Report

If you look up Lauren Snyder critic on Yahoo! Search, I'm referenced on 8 of the first 10 listings, including the top 2. Lauren Snyder theater critic gives me all 10 of the first 10, as does Lauren Snyder new york theater. With Lauren Snyder new york critic, I fall to 5 out of 10.

Is it any wonder I keep writing reviews, even when I've said that I'm stopping? I'm hooked on the name search. I totally heart the emptiness of internet fame. Why else would I have translated a background artist credit and an internship on an indie film into an IMDB listing?

If I fail to make my mark in any meaningful way on the world, at least there will be people in the world who'll know that I was a theater critic, a comedy writer, an improvisor, a film critic, an actress, a Penn State theater student and the winner of a virtual award for Monty Python-themed haiku (guess that link's dead - well, it's been 10 years).

By the way, I'm open to taking requests from people looking for funny or dark one-acts or short festival pieces, particularly if you're providing a theme, specific writing limitations (characters, setting, etc.), and/or a hard and fast deadline. I've always been more productive when working this way. Maybe I should just buy one of those cheesy writing exercise books and go to town.

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